Sunday, 24 April 2016

வெளிப்படுத்தின விசேஷம் ஒரு விரிவான ஆய்வு - Free E-Book.... Really Interesting

வெளிப்படுத்தின விசேஷம் ஒரு விரிவான ஆய்வு

Authored by Beulah David

Free E-Book.... Really Interesting


Sunday, 3 April 2016

Hidden awesome bible facts

  1.  In Genesis 3:15 god cursed the serpent saying that the seed of the woman will crush your head. To counter act this satan tried in vain to corrupt the seed by sending the Nephilim Genesis 6:4
  2. In the preflood world things didn’t get spoilt because of the vapor canopy. So when Noah, after the flood made wine he didn’t knew it would ferment and hence he became drunk.To know about the vapor canopy visit the following link
  3. When Christ came the Roman kingdom controlled parts of all three continents which later allowed the apostles to spread the gospel easily.
  4. Jesus said that the gospel had to be preached to the whole word because it was God who scattered men by confusing their language when they tried to rebel against God by building the tower of Babel.
  5. For the gospel to be preached to the whole world the scripture which was preserved in Latin language had to be converted to other languages which was possible because only because of Protestant denomination of Christianity
  6. Each denomination of Christianity had a purpose. The Catholics preserved the bible for many centuries especially during the dark times of Christianity and the Protestants spread the word all over the world. 
  7. When men decided to build the tower of babel they all had one language and as God said in Genesis 11:6 "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them". Similarily in the endtimes when knowlege and travel increase the same scenario will arise. But the reason why God allows this that the Gospel can also expand exponentially.
  8.  The Romans killed Jesus and in the fourth century Roman Emperor Constantine was the one who revived Christianity and helped it grow. 
  9.  Jesus family was poor. We know it from the fact that parents offered a pair doves or pigeons (Luke 2:24). In Leviticus 12:8, this offering was for the poor the rich had to offer a Lamb. The money for the Journey to Egypt came from the three wise men who visited baby Jesus.
  10. In the Garden of Eden the animals and man talked with each other. We know this since Eve wasnt surprised when the serpent talked. And in Genesis 2:19 it mentions Adam named all living creatures. Why would you name something if you are not going to call them. There is evidence in the bible that a donkey talked (Numbers 22:28)
  11. When Adam was 130 years he became the father of Seth (Genesis 5:3-5). Although Cain and Abels age arent mentioned in the bible if we assume then to be teenagers then approximately Adam and Eve  lived in the Garden of Eden a 100 years. Its though to break Gods best creation and make it sin and it would have taken a long time to do it. 
  12. The book of Genesis covers over 2500 year time frame. 
  13. Genesis 6:6 states that God was grieved he made man.  Yet his love was so great that he waited almost 1656 years before he destroyed them. He made sure a remnant of everything survived. He only destroyed the agents that were destroying and making others sin.
  14. Exodus 34:29 says Moses face was radiant after coming down from mount Sinai. Hence we can conclude that Adam and Eve would have been radiant because they were free from sin and walked and talked with God. So nakedness dosnt mean what we think. It would be that they wore no clothes but the light radianting from within would cover then. Thats why when they sinned the light went of and they hid and covered with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7).
  15.  In Exodus 2: 24,25 we see that God heard the cry for help of his people and in the next chapter (Exodus 3) he appears to Moses in the burning bush. But 80 years before that he God saved from him from death as a three year old. Was bought in the wisdom of the Egyptians by his foster mother and values of Hebrew by his own mother and roamed the same place where the Israelites roamed for forty years. So God knew that his people would call him Eighty years before that and thats not all he remembered a promise he made to his friend Abraham 400 years ago. We people cant remember most of what happened today morning rite? Great is our LORD. Praise him for all the ages...!!!
  16. We know that what happened in the pre-flood world grieved god Genesis 6:6. But what really happened there can be found in the 628 commandments given in the book Leviticus. For example there is Leviticus 18:23 which tells to refrain from performing sex on animals. Who in their right mind would do that? When in all ancient methodologies you see creatures that are half man and half beast, and are worshiped as Gods. 
  17. When Israel rejected God as their King and opted for more earthy King. Although he was sad that they rejected him as their King, he gave then prophets. All other Kingdoms had sorceresses, magicians, enchanters etc., but only Israel had prophets.  
For more facts plz visit