Sunday, 5 April 2015

Two things to prove that earth is made by God and it is not rotating the sun.

Scientist argue that the age of the earth cannot be 6000 years as the bible tells... but the bible never mentions that god created the earth in the first 6 days of creations. Infact it is only mentioned that in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth...Genesis 1

If the earth is rotating on its axis as science claims... then a trip in flight from east to west and west to east shouldn’t be the same time. In one direction it should take less time and in the other it should take a longer time... right???

How God Created the world? and why science cant prove it

Science claims that everything in the earth cannot be made in 6 literal days. When science makes this statement, they assume that god is someone who makes things just like we do. Well throughout Genesis 1 it says repeatedly And God Said.... at the beginning of each days creation. Only man was made with his hands.
It means he just instructed and all the atoms formed whatever he had in mind. 

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16

The same can be said as to why science can’t explain anything in the bible. Science needs proof or in words they need to see the process to believe that happened. So miracles, red sea crossing wont be accepted by science no matter what...

God Immense Love

Exodus 2:23 to 25 tells us about that the Israelites groaned in their slavery and their cry went up to heaven And he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob and was concerned with then that he went to Moses and appeared to him in the burning bush.

Moses was close to 80 years when God came to him and charged him with leading Israel. But 80 years before even before the Israelites cried to God, he had caused Moses to live as a prince so that it would be easy to talk to pharaoh. If he had been a slave it would not have been possible. Moses and pharaoh were half brothers and lived together up until he was 40 years old. God foreknew his people would dessert him and try to run back to Egypt that he prepared Moses in advance for that scenario. He also made then cross the red sea although there was a easier route. Exodus 13:17,18

All these goes to show what a loving and caring father we have. All he needs from you is your love.